3D printing application areas

Flexibility, quick implementation and geometrical design freedom are only some of the many benefits of 3D printing. Of course, this leads to many useful application areas, particularly in industry.

Übersicht 3D-Druck Anwendungen

Rapid Prototyping

The fastest path from an idea to the first models. Rapid prototyping is a method for visualizing and testing ideas. In addition, the costs are relatively low. In this case, 3D printing makes it easy to build prototypes quickly. Then, all aspects of an approach can be investigated in a practical way and the results can be tested. Rapid prototyping, in the meantime, has become indispensable in product development, in particular. This is because it not only accelerates the development process, it also provides knowledge and certainty for series production. 


3D-gedrucktes Bauteil

Rapid Tooling

Building individual tools and supports quickly and easily – this is perfect for rapid tooling. This is a special form of rapid prototyping and describes the construction of specialized tools. Several benefits of 3D printing are brought to bear at the same time in this case. For one, single-part production is possible without expensive, classic specialized toolmaking. In addition, even extremely individualized and complicated shapes can be implemented. Creativity and application know virtually no limits. 


Design von Spezialwerkzeug für 3D-Druck

Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing – also known as rapid manufacturing – is the use of 3D printing in series production. This opens completely new technological and cost-effective possibilities, for example, in the realm of customization.

With small series in particular, not only is flexibility retained but additive manufacturing is also a good alternative to classic methods, such as injection molding, in terms of cost.


Ergebnis aus dem 3D-Drucker

Examples of usage

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